The Catholic Society

Rediscover Your Faith in a Mature and Conscious Way

"And how can they believe in him of whom they have not heard?" (Romans 10:14).

It is unquestionably the duty of man to orient his person and his life towards God . . . Man turns properly to God when he acknowledges his supreme majesty and supreme authority; when he accepts divinely revealed truths with a submissive mind; when he scrupulously obeys divine law, centering in God his every act and aspiration; when he accords, in short, due worship to the one true God by practicing the virtue of religion.” (Encyclical Letter of Pius XII Mediator Dei, 13)








Holy Father

Biblical Foundations

Pope Francis

Benedict XVI

- Encyclicals (PDF)

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Documents from the Popes and Magisterium

  1. Veritatis Splendor (The Splendor of Truth) Pope John Paul II, August 6, 1993 (PDF)

  2. Mediator Dei (On the Sacred Liturgy) Pope Pius XII, November 20, 1947 (PDF)

  3. Humanae Vitae (On Human Life -- Regulation of Births) Pope Paul VI, July 25, 1968 (PDF)

  4. Libertas (On the Nature of Human Liberty) Pope Leo XIII, June 20, 1888 (PDF)

  5. The Catholic Church Cannot Bless Same-Sex Relationships (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) (PDF)

  6. Evangelli Gaudium (Proclamation of the Gospel) Pope Francis, Nov. 24, 2013 (PDF)

  7. Lumen Fidei (The Light of Faith) Pope Francis, June 29, 2013 (PDF)

  8. Humani Generis Redemptionem (On Preaching the Word of God)  Pope Benedict XV, June 15, 1917 (PDF)

  9. Paenitentiam Agrere (On the Need for the Practice of Interior and Exterior Penance) Pope John XXIII, July 1, 1962 (PDF)

  10. E Supremi (On Restoration of All Things in Christ) Pope Pius X Oct. 4, 1903 (PDF)

  11. Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life) Pope John Paul II, March 25, 1995 (PDF)

  12. Sacra Virginitas (On Consecrated Virginity) Pope Pius XII, March 25, 1954 (PDF)

  13. Mystici Corporis Christi (On the Mystical Body of Christ) Pope Pius XII, June 29, 1943 (PDF)

  14. Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, November 17, 2009

          Some items, such as encyclicals, are available to view and print in Adobe Acrobat PDF.  All you need is the free  Adobe Reader.


Resources for Learning Christianity

  1.  St. Paul Center Dr. Scott Hahn, Dr. John Bergsma and many other excellent teachers have put together many resources for learning Christianity. There are classes on various subjects and explanations of the weekly Mass readings. This is an excellent resource for learning the Christian Religion.

  2. Catholic Productions Dr. Brant Pitre, Dr. John Bergmsa are excellent teachers. Pitre explains the Mass readings for every Sunday. You can purchase lectures from Dr. Pitre and many other excellent teachers, such as Dr. John Bergsma.

  3. Augstine Institute An excellent resource for learning the Christian religion. There are many excellent teachers.

  4. The Sacred Page Dr. John Bergsma has written excellent books and articles for learning the Christian faith. He is an excellent teacher.

  5. Formed A great resource for watching excellent movies, documentaries and listening to discussions about the Christian Religion

  6. Dr. Edward Sri Dr. Sri has written excellent books on understanding the Mass, Mary and Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. He is an excellent teacher.

  7. Pauline Books and Media The Daughters of St. Paul have created many excellent resources to learn the Faith.

  8. Ignatius Press Ignatius provides many excellent books and videos for learning about Christianity.

  9. Tan Books Many excellent books for learning the Faith. The Catechism of the Council of Trent and many excellent books are available here.

  10. Ascension Press Home of the Great Adventure Bible, which provides an excellent format for reading the Bible.

  11. Aquinas 101 The Thomistic Institute has created a nice series of videos to learn the Christian religion.

  12. Catholic Answers Catholic Answers has created many articles and a radio program for learning how to learn and defend Christianity.

  13. New Advent: You can read the Ecumenical Councils, Church Fathers, the Catholic Encyclopedia and much more.

  14. Defenders of the Faith This is a great resource from Steve Ray, a convert to Catholicism.

  15. Papal Encyclicals Online: A great resource for the writings of the popes, councils and magisterium.

  16. Agape Bible Studies: This site has very good Bible studies by Michael Hunt.




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